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Our research

How will education evolve in the coming years?  Pivot has regularly worked on research projects with partners including State Departments of Education, Catholic education systems, the Australian Primary and Secondary Principals Associations, and the Australian Association of Maths Teachers. A selection of our reports are available below.

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A leading research report on student wellbeing

Critical insights and important findings from our student wellbeing program in schools

Thank you to all schools and students who participated in the trial of our student wellbeing tool, making it possible to gather this important data and develop a leading research report on student wellbeing.

Nearly 20,000 students across Primary and Secondary school took part in a pilot of Pivot’s Wellbeing for Learning tool in late 2021. We monitored their wellbeing with 1-minute weekly check-ins, where they answered questions that covered the areas of general wellbeing, resilience, safety, belonging and protective behaviours - like sleep, schoolwork and family.

From our pilot, we now have a detailed report which provides extensive insights into student wellbeing. The report reveals pertinent trends for teachers and school leaders, and has important lessons for schools setting out wellbeing plans - as we make adjustments to living in a COVID normal world.

APPA / ASPA School Leader Wellbeing Report

Pivot Professional Learning was commissioned by the Australian Secondary Principals Association (ASPA) and Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA) to undertake a desktop review and to survey school leaders on their wellbeing.


In October 2022 Pivot surveyed school leaders across Australia across 8 domains of wellbeing and gathered input on the types of resources they used  to improve and enhance their wellbeing.


The 8 domains covered by the survey were:


  1. Self-efficacy

  2. Enjoyment

  3. Connectedness

  4. Autonomy

  5. Positivity

  6. Supportive School Environment

  7. Meaning and Purpose

  8. Self-care


Please download the report and the resources.

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Educator perspectives on the impact of Covid-19 on teaching and learning in Australia and New Zealand

Between 9 -13 April 2020, more than 3500 teachers in schools across Australia and New Zealand took part in a survey about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and learning. 

Their responses revealed a profession under extraordinary pressure – dealing with unfamiliar technologies and teaching methods; struggling with additional demands for preparation; worrying about the lack of social contact with students and colleagues; and, fearing for the educational and psychological welfare of students, particularly those in early primary school.


More than 90 per cent of teachers who took part in the survey, both in Australia and New Zealand, had at that time either already moved to distance teaching, or were planning to do so shortly.

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Pivot Professional Learning

Level 40, 140 William St,

Melbourne 3000

+61 03 9229 3843

® ABN: 29 601 883 372

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Our product has successfully qualified to be part of the Safer Technologies 4 Schools (ST4S) Product Badge Program in 2023. 

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© 2023 by Pivot Professional Learning

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