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APPA / ASPA School Leader Wellbeing Report

Pivot Professional Learning was commissioned by the Australian Secondary Principals Association (ASPA) and Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA) to undertake a desktop review and to survey school leaders on their wellbeing.


In October 2022 Pivot surveyed school leaders across Australia across 8 domains of wellbeing and gathered input on the types of resources they used  to improve and enhance their wellbeing.


The 8 domains covered by the survey were:


  1. Self-efficacy

  2. Enjoyment

  3. Connectedness

  4. Autonomy

  5. Positivity

  6. Supportive School Environment

  7. Meaning and Purpose

  8. Self-care


Please download the report and the resources.

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Educator & School Leader Wellbeing

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An evidence based tool designed for educators and school leaders

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