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Teacher reflective practice and tracking their own professional reflections

Writer's picture: Pivot Professional LearningPivot Professional Learning

Updated: Apr 23, 2024

Research tells us that teacher effectiveness is the most important in-school factor for improving student achievement. Accordingly, teachers engage in ongoing professional reflection across the span of their careers, and self-awareness of strength and growth underpin the shift in practice.

We know many teachers will use the AITSL Teacher Self Assessment Tool (Teacher SAT) that is designed to assist teachers in understanding their practice in relation to the Australian Professional Practice for Teachers. This is a valuable tool for teachers at all stages of their careers and supports both individual teacher reflective practice and communities of practice that encourage teachers to share and reflect in professional conversations.

Individual teacher practice:

One of the key ways to understand teacher practice and both areas of strength and development is through obtaining feedback from students on their experiences and observations in the classroom. Student feedback data that provides an insight into their level of engagement and motivations, observations on teacher relationships and teaching practice.

Pivot’s Student Survey on Teaching is aligned with the AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers and also regional and international frameworks can provide a guide to tracking current practice and areas for professional development.

This can be very useful for teachers to identify and track both strengths in their individual practice and areas for development using resources mapped to Australian, international and regional teaching frameworks.

Teachers can use the resources provided with Student Survey on Teaching to map and guide their professional development goals based on the key teaching domains of classroom engagement, instruction, relationships and student voice, and provide evidence of their practice. Student Survey on Teaching provides a comprehensive resource for teachers for all survey questions that includes evidence-based classroom strategies, guiding questions for student feedback conversations and for use with peers in professional learning communities conversations. Each resource is clearly mapped to the AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers, and additionally to regional frameworks including High Impact Teaching Strategies HITS (VIC), Quality Teaching Framework (NSW), Teaching for Effective Learning. (SA).

Evidence of Pivot’s impact:

Our feedback from working with teachers and schools over the last ten years shows that:

  • 3 out of 4 teachers learn something new about themselves based on their student feedback results.

  • 3 of 4 teachers make a change to their practice supported by our resources and guides.

Professional learning communities:

Schools who have implemented Professional Learning Communities within their environment and are working collaboratively to improve student learning and wellbeing benefit from accessing Student Survey on Teaching student feedback data. In focusing on whole-school goals and priorities, the student feedback can help inform continuous improvement cycles by identifying data and evidence on teacher practice, engagement and relationships.

The data can assist with the planning and implementation of instructional strategies and determining which possible actions will be implemented by the whole school, teams or by individual teachers.

Student feedback:

Teachers’ communication with students about their survey feedback is invaluable in supporting student voice, agency and participation. When students see their opinions are valued and have influence on teaching practices, classroom approaches to planning and learning, and relationships this fosters a positive and self-initiated approach to their own learning.

Feedback conversations demonstrate a commitment to creating a safer and inclusive environment in which all students are active participants in their learning and are invested in ownership of their learning.

Ready to build a culture of positive feedback? Book a discovery call with us.

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